Hello Dr. Han

About today's zoom, so the link is as above, right? No need for password, right?


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Hi Suet! I use the waiting room feature, and will let in everyone whose names I know. 🙏

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Hi Dr. Han

See you tonight then (HKT 1:00 am). Thanks for everything.

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Oh my goodness, that is late 😔 I will also record both sessions!

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Jan 20Liked by Dr. Han VanderHart

Awesome! Sharing this!

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Love this idea - hope to join you on Saturday! I'm always looking for new ideas about reviewing and I try to do it as often as I can, especially for writers or books who aren't with big presses or on everyone's radar.

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Jan 20Liked by Dr. Han VanderHart

Definitely agree about social power. Thank you for doing this workshop, looking forward to it!

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Jan 20Liked by Dr. Han VanderHart

This is a wonderful service. Writing reviews takes me so so long. But you’re right it is a labor of love and if we want people do review our books we need to reciprocate. Thank you Han!

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Hello Dr. Han

Please reserve a seat for me! Thanks.

(is PW needed to access zoom?)

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20Author

Hi Suet! I use a waiting room! Will be sure to let you in :) Thanks!

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